Benjamin Nutor Idrf Fellowship Abstract at Ut College of Liberal Art

The Department of Government

The Department of Government

Benjamin Gregg

ProfessorPh.D., Princeton Academy, Freie Universität Berlin

Benjamin Gregg


Social and political theory, human rights, political bioethics




Benjamin Gregg teaches social and political theory, every bit well equally bioethics, informed by philosophy and sociology, at the University of Texas at Austin just also in Deutschland (Frankfurt/O), Austria (Linz and Innsbruck), Sweden (Lund), Japan (Tokyo and Hokkaido), China (Beijing), and Brazil (Goiãnia). The College of Liberal Arts Committees on Research and Teaching awarded him the Silver Spurs Fellowship in recognition of outstanding scholarship and teaching. He has conducted graduate master classes at the Universidade Federal de Goiás in Brazil, at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Deutschland, at the University of Hokkaido in Japan, and at the University of Glasgow in the Great britain. He studied with Michael Walzer in Princeton, Axel Honneth in Berlin, and Seyla Benhabib at Yale. In add-on to more than than eighty articles, he is the writer ofThe Homo Rights State (Pennsylvania, 2016);Human Rights as Social Construction (Cambridge, 2012);Thick Moralities, Thin Politics (Duke, 2003); andCoping in Politics with Indeterminate Norms (SUNY, 2003). Cambridge University Press will publish his newest book,Constructing Man Nature: The Political Challenges of Genetic Technology, in 2022. He has presented aspects of this project at invited lectures in Europe, Asia, South America, and the Us. His work has been translated into High german, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese.


Benjamin Gregg


B.A., Yale Academy; Ph.D., Princeton University; D. Phil., Freie Universität Berlin



Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin


2021-2022 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Public International Police

at Lund University, Sweden


2022 Visiting Researcher, Centre for Biomedical Ideals,

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore




  • Gregg, B. forthcoming 2022. Creating Homo Nature: The Political Challenges of Genetic Engineering. New York: Cambridge University Printing. ISBN 9781108893138.
  • Gregg, B. 2020. Chinese translation (作为社会建构的人权) of Gregg (2012),Human Rights every bit Social Construction, by Li Xianfei (李仙飞). Cambridge University Press and Renmin University Press (中国人民大学出版社). Cambridge, UK and Beijing, China. ISBN 978-7-300-28961-8.
  • Gregg, B. 2016.The Human Rights State: Justice Inside and Beyond Sovereign Nations. University of Pennsylvania Printing. Philadelphia. Focus of special upshot (2017)International Journal of Human Rights, 21(3), "A Realistic Utopia: Critical Analyses of The Human being Rights Country." Subject area of international symposium (2016), Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden, Apr.
  • Gregg, B. 2012.Human Rights equally Social Construction. New York: Cambridge University Press. Amidst Cambridge University Printing' top x bestsellers in political theory, 2012. Interviewed on PBS station KLRU, 2012. On the syllabus of the honors bachelor'south degree curriculum in Politics, Psychology and Sociology Tripos (PPS) at Cambridge University. First hardcover printing sold out seven months after publication; second printing, sold out Baronial 2012; two additional printings of hardcover; paperback edition published 2013.
  • Gregg, B. 2003.Thick Moralities, Thin Politics: Social Integration across Communities of Belief. Duke University Printing. Durham. Focus of special issue (2012)Comparative Sociology, 11(5), "Comparative Perspectives on Social Integration in Pluralistic Societies: Thick Norms versus Thin."
  • Gregg, B. 2003.Coping in Politics with Indeterminate Norms: A Theory of Aware Localism. SUNY Press. Albany. Focus of special event (2010)Comparative Sociology, 9(v), "Enlightened Localism in Comparative Perspective."


  • Gregg, B. forthcoming 2022. Genetic Engineering Revolutions.Handbook of the Anthropocene, C. Wulf and N. Wallenhorst, eds. London, Berlin, New York: Springer-Nature.
  • Gregg, B. forthcoming 2022 [on-line admission March, hardcopy later in 2022]. Political Bioethics.Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
  • Gregg, B. 2021. Regulating Genetic Engineering Guided past Homo Dignity, Non Genetic Essentialism. Politics and the Life Sciences. First-view on-line:
  • Gregg, B. 2021. Il contenimento di Covid-xix: diritto alla privacy contro diritto alla salute pubblica [Containing COVID-19: A Human Right to Privacy versus a Man Right to Public Health].Lessico di etica pubblica[Lexicon of Public Ethics] 2021 (i): 125-163. ISSN 2039-2206.
  • Gregg, B. 2021. Against Essentialism in Conceptions of Human Rights and Human Nature.Human Rights Quarterly 43:313–328.
  • Gregg, B. 2021. Human Rights Crave yet Contest National Sovereignty: How a Human Rights Corporation Might Help. In A. Santos Campos and S. Cadilha, eds.Sovereignty as Value. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield:215-232.
  • Gregg, B. 2021. How to Oppose Authoritarian Republic in Brazil: Human Rights as the People'south Constructions, Constitutionally Embedded, and Internal to the Customs's Self-Understanding [Como se Opor à Democracia Autoritária no Brasil].Latin American Man Rights Studies [Brazil] one:1-29.
  • Gregg, B. 2020. Beyond Due Diligence: The Human Rights Corporation.Man Rights Review. 22:65-89.
  • Gregg, B. 2020. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Biotechnik: Zur normativen Einschätzung der Humangenmanipulation [On the Use and Corruption of Biotechnology: Toward a Normative Evaluation of Homo Genetic Engineering]. In B. Keplinger, F. Schwanniger, eds.Optimierung des Menschen [The Genetic Optimization of the Human being]. Innsbruck, Austria: Studienverlag:49-63.
  • Gregg, B. 2020. The Man Rights State: Advancing Justice through Political Imagination. In K. Schmidt, ed.The State of Human Rights: Historical Genealogies,Political Controversies, and Cultural Imaginaries:47-69. Heidelberg, Frg: Winter Verlag.
  • Gregg, B. 2020. Construção Social de uma Natureza Humana Voltada para os Direitos Humanos [Social Construction of a Man Rights-Oriented Homo Nature], translated by H. Pagliaro.Boletim Goiano de Geografia [Brazil] 40:ane-24.
  • Gregg, B. 2020. The Ethnic Rights Country.Ratio Juris 33(ane):98-116.
  • Gregg, B. 2019. Against Cocky-Isolation as a Man Right of Ethnic Peoples in Latin America.Human Rights Review 20(3):313-333.
  • Gregg, B. 2019. Indigeneity every bit Social Construct and Political Tool.Human Rights Quarterly 41(iv):823–848.
  • Gregg, B. 2018. How to Read for Current Developments in Human Genetics Relevant to Justice.Politics and the Life Sciences 37(2):262-277.
  • Gregg, B. 2018. The Coming Political Challenges of Artificial Intelligence.Digital Culture & Club 4(1):157-180.
  • Gregg, B. 2018. Human Genetic Engineering: Biotic Justice in the Anthropocene? In D. DellaSala and M. Goldstein, eds.Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, vol. 4:351-359. Oxford, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland: Elsevier.
  • Gregg, B. 2017. The Human Rights State: Theoretical Challenges, Empirical Deployments: Reply to My Critics.The International Journal of Human Rights 21(3):359-385.
  • Wolfsteller, René and Gregg, B. 2017. A Realistic Utopia? Critical Analyses ofThe Homo Rights State in Theory and Deployment: Guest Editors' Introduction.The International Journal of Human Rights 21(iii):219-229.
  • Gregg, B. 2016. A Socially Synthetic Human Correct to the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples [Un constructo social de los Derechos Humanos para la autodeterminación de los pueblos indígenas].Deusto Journal of Human being Rights [Kingdom of spain] 1:105-143.
  • Gregg, B. 2016. Human Rights as Metaphor for Political Community Beyond the Nation State.Critical Sociology 42(6):897-917.
  • Gregg, B. 2015. Advancing Human Rights in Post-Disciplinarian Communities through Education.Journal of Human being Rights Practice 7(2):199-222.
  • Koppelman, A. and Gregg, B. 2014. Critical Exchange on Human Rights equally Social Structure.Gimmicky Political Theory 13(iv):380-386.
  • Gregg, B. 2014. Educational activity Homo Rights in the College Classroom equally a Cerebral Style. In J. Shefner, H. Dahms, R. Jones, and A. Jalata, eds.Social Justice and the University. Basingstoke, U.k.: Palgrave:253-279.
  • Gregg, B. 2013. Might the Noble Vicious take Joined the Earliest Cults of Rousseau? In J. Reiling and D. Tröhler, eds.Entre hétérogénéité et imagination. Pratiques de la réception de Jean-Jacques Rousseau [Between Heterogeneity and Imagination: Interpretive Approaches to Jean-Jacques Rousseau]. Genève, Switzerland: Éditions Slatkine:347-366.
  • Gregg, B. 2012. Comparative Perspectives on Social Integration in Pluralistic Societies: Thick Norms versus Thin.Comparative Sociology 11(5):629-648.
  • Gregg, B. 2012. Politics Disembodied and Deterritorialized: The Internet every bit Homo Rights Resource. In H. Dahms and 50. Hazelrigg, eds.Theorizing Modern Society every bit a Dynamic Process. Bingley, Great britain: Emerald:209-233.
  • Gregg, B. 2012. Genetic Enhancement: A New Dialectic of Enlightenment? In D. Wetzel, ed.Perspektiven der Aufklärung: Zwischen Mythos und Realität [Perspectives on the Enlightenment: Between Myth and Reality]. Paderborn, Federal republic of germany: Verlag Wilhelm Fink:133-146.
  • Gregg, B. 2010. Individuals as Authors of Human Rights: Not merely Addressees.Theory and Society 39(vi):631-650.
  • Gregg, B. 2010. Deploying Cognitive Sociology to Advance Man Rights.Comparative Sociology ix(iii):279-307.
  • Gregg, B. 2010. Anti-Imperialism: Generating Universal Human being Rights Out of Local Norms.Ratio Juris 23(3):289-310.
  • Gregg, B. 2010. Enlightened Localism in Comparative Perspective.Comparative Folklore ix(5):563-593.
  • Gregg, B. 2009.Familiendämmerung in Amerika? [Twilight of the American Family?]. In S. Caspar und C. Gehrke, eds.Familien-Bande [Families as Idiosyncrasies]. Tübingen, Federal republic of germany: Konkursbuch Verlag:321-329.
  • Gregg, B. 2008. Translating Human Rights into Muslim Vernaculars.Comparative Sociology vii(4):457–483.
  • Gregg, B. 2002. Proceduralism Reconceived: Political Conflict Resolution under Conditions of Moral Pluralism.Theory and Society 31(6):741-776.
  • Gregg, B. 2002. The Law and Courts of Enlightened Localism.Polity 35(2):283-309.
  • Gregg, B. 1999. Using Legal Rules in an Indeterminate World: Overcoming the Limitations of Jurisprudence.Political Theory 27(iii):389-410. According to its website, at one point among the top x of the 50 most oft-cited articles published inPolitical Theory.
  • Gregg, B. 1999. Adjudicating Among Competing Systems of Belief.International Review of Folklore 9(1):7-17.
  • Gregg, B. 1998. Jurisprudence in an Indeterminate Globe: Pragmatist not Postmodern.Ratio Juris 11(4):382-398.
  • Gregg, B. 1995. Police force in People's republic of china: The Tug of Tradition, the Push button of Capitalism.Review of Central and E European Law 21(1):65-86.
  • Gregg, B. 1994. Possibility of Social Critique in an Indeterminate Globe.Theory and Club 23(3):327-366. Japanese translation inHokkudai Hogaku Ronshu [Hokkaido Law Journal]. 1999. l(3):235-256 and 50(four):335-365.
  • Gregg, B. 1994. Regulating Commercial Spoken language: A Question Political Not Legal.Land Constitutional Commentaries and Notes 5(3):18-29.
  • Gregg, B. 1994. Puragumattiku na hogaku no kanosei [Possibility of a Pragmatic Jurisprudence (Nippon)].Chiba Journal of Law and Politics eight(3):97-119 [Function I] and 8(4):59-109 [Part II].
  • Gregg, B. 1993. The Modernization of Contemporary Chinese Law.The Review of Politics 55(iii):443-470.
  • Gregg. B. 1993. The Fate of Liberalism in the New, Tripolar World-Gild. In Y. Ogasawara, ed.Chiiki-Funso to Sogoizon [Regional Conflict and Interdependence]. Tokyo: University of Strange Studies Press:1-27.
  • Gregg, B. 1992. The Parameters of Possible Constitutional Interpretation. In R. Wuthnow, ed.Vocabularies of Public Life: Empirical Essays in Symbolic Structure. London: Routledge:207-233.

Japanese translation inKokugakuin Hogaku [Kokugakuin Journal of Law and Politics, (Tokyo)]. 1995. 32(2) [Office I] and 32(3) [Part II].

  • Gregg, B. 1988. Falankefu xuepai dui lixin tongzhi de pipan [Frankfurt School'southward Critique of Rational Authority].Guowai Shehui Xue [International Sociology(Beijing)] iv:three-9.


Indigeneity as Social Construct and Political Tool: Critique of a Contested Identity


  • Gregg, B. 2021. Review ofGoverning through Expertise: The Politics of Bioethics by Annabelle Littoz-Monnet (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020).Political Science Quarterly …
  • Gregg, B. 2021. Review ofArtificial Life Afterward Frankenstein by Eileen Hunt Botting (2021).Perspectives on Politics 19 (3):979-981.
  • Gregg, B. 2020. "A Socialism beyond Human Rights still in Partnership with Them," Review Essay onNot Enough: Man Rights in an Diff World by Samuel Moyn (Harvard Up 2018).Kritikon Litterarum47 (3-iv):376-381 (2020).
  • Gregg, B. 2019. Review ofEnhanced Beings: Human Germline Modification and the Law by Kerry Lynn Macintosh (2018.Pick: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 56(5). Choice Review #56-2123.
  • Gregg, B. 2018. Review ofThe Moral Conflict of Police and Neuroscience by Peter Alces. 2018.Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 55(11). Pick Review #55-4221.
  • Gregg, B. 2018. Review ofThe Promise of Human Rights: Ramble Government, Autonomous Legitimacy, and International Police force past Jamie Mayerfield (2016).Contemporary Political Theory 17(S1):S30-S34.
  • Gregg, B. 2015. Review of Making Human being: World Order and the Global Governance of Human Dignity past Matthew Weinert (2015).Human Right Quarterly 37:1101-1104.
  • Gregg, B. 2013. Review of Philip Selznick: Ideals in the Globe by Martin Krygier (2012).Law and Politics Volume Review 23:264-267.
  • Gregg, B. 2013. Review ofOrdered Liberty: Rights, Responsibilities, and Virtues, by James Fleming and Linda McClain (2013).Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 51(1). DOI: x.5860/Selection.51-0538.
  • Gregg, B. 2013. Review ofThe Ironic Spectator: Solidarity in the Age of Posthumanitarianism, by Lilie Chouliaraki (2013).Option: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 51(4). DOI: 10.5860/Choice.51-2343.
  • Gregg, B. 2013. Review ofDialectics of Homo Nature in Marx's Philosophy, by Mehmet Tabak (2013).Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries fifty(11). DOI: 10.5860/Selection.50-6444.
  • Gregg, B. 2012. Review ofHuman being Rights and Memory, by Daniel Levy and Natan Sznaider (2010) andReview of Humanitarianism and Modern Civilisation, by Keith Tester (2010).Perspectives on Politics 10(2):456-458.
  • Gregg, B. 2008. Review of In Defence of Human Rights: A Non-Religious Grounding in a Pluralistic World, past Ari Kohen (2007).Perspectives on Politics 6(2):373-374.
  • Gregg, B. 2008. Review of Nudge: Improving Decisions about Wellness, Wealth, and Happiness, past Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein (2008).Constabulary and Politics Volume Review 18(5):452-455.
  • Gregg, B. 2007. Review ofRegulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire, past Wendy Brown (2006). Law and Politics Book Review 17(four):318-325.
  • Gregg, B. and Williams, D.L. 2006. Review of Rousseau and Constabulary, by Thom Brooks, Ed. (2006).Law and Politics Book Review 16(five):372-383.
  • Gregg, B. 2004. Review ofLegality and Legitimacy, by Carl Schmitt, Translated and Edited past Jeffrey Seitzer (2004).Law and Politics Book Review 14(8):619-623.
  • Gregg, B. 1998. Review ofBetween the Norm and the Exception: The Frankfurt School and the Rule of Police, past William Scheuerman (1994). Political Theory, 26(2):237-244.
  • Gregg, B. 1997. Review ofBetween Facts and Norms, by Jürgen Habermas (1997).Review of Politics 59(4):927-930.
  • Gregg, B. 1997. Review ofCommunist china's Legal Awakening. Legal Theory and Criminal Justice in Deng's Era, past Carlos Wing-hung Lo (1997).Review of Central and East European Constabulary 23(2):165-172.
  • Gregg, B. 1994.The Failed Quest for a Principled Jurisprudence. Review of Common Law and Liberal Theory, by James Stoner (1994).Legal Studies Forum xviii(1):113-123.
  • Gregg, B. 1989. Review ofKritik der Macht. Reflexionsstufen einer kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie [The Critique of Power. Cogitating Stages in a Disquisitional Social Theory], past Axel Honneth (1988). New German Critique 47:183-188.
  • Gregg, B. 1989. Review ofFrom Marx to Kant, by Dick Howard (1988).Theory and Society 18:417-423.
  • Gregg, B. 1987.Modernity in Frankfurt: Must a History of Philosophy exist a Philosophy of History? Review ofNorm, Critique, and Utopia, by Seyla Benhabib (1986).Theory and Club 16:139-151.
  • Gregg, B. 1987. In Defense of a Skeptical Rationalism. Reply to Benhabib's respond to review ofNorm, Critique, and Utopia, by Seyla Benhabib (1986). Theory and Society, 16:159-163.
  • Gregg, B. 1984. Review ofTheory and Politics by, Helmut Dubiel (1984). Telos, 61: 207-214.


  • Gregg, B. In Training: Review ofAuch eine Geschichte der Philosophie by Jürgen Habermas (Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2019).Kritikon Litterarum.
  • Gregg, B. In Preparation: Review ofBecoming Human: A Theory of Ontogeny by Michael Tomasello (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2019).International Dialogue.


  • Gregg, B. 1998. Portions ofTechnology, War and Fascism, past Herbert Marcuse (Vol. 1 of the Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse). Douglas Kellner, ed. Routledge. New York, NY:231-260.
  • Gregg. B. 1993.Can an Ultimate Foundation of Knowledge Be Non-Metaphysical? by Karl-Otto Apel.Journal of Speculative Philosophy 7:171-190.
  • Gregg, B. 1988. "Felicitation," by Jürgen Habermas. InAn Unmastered Past, Martin Jay, ed. University of California Printing. Berkeley:9-15.
  • Gregg, B. 1988. "The Left in Germany Has Failed," past Leo Lowenthal. InAn Unmastered By, Martin Jay, ed. University of California Press. Berkeley:247-261.
  • Gregg, B. 1988. "Confronting Postmodernism," by Leo Lowenthal. InAn Unmastered Past, Martin Jay, ed. Academy of California Press. Berkeley:261-269.
  • Gregg, B. 1987. "Introduction" to Daniel Paul Schreber. InMemoirs of My Nervous Illness,Ida Macallpine and Richard Hunter, trans. and eds. Harvard University Printing. Cambridge:vii-liv.
  • Gregg, B. 1987. "What is Neo-Aristotelianism?" past Herbert Schnädelbach.Praxis International 3-4:226-237.
  • Gregg, B. 1986. "The Search for 'Normality' in the Relationship between Germans and Jews," by Sigrid Meuschel.New German Critique 38:39-56.
  • Gregg, B. 1985.Theory and Politics: Studies in the Development of Critical Theory, by Helmut Dubiel. MIT Press. Cambridge.


2022 Visiting Researcher, Centre for Biomedical Ideals, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Project: commodity titled "Evaluating Bioethical Regulation in a Non-Democratic State"

2021-2022 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Public International Law at Lund University, Sweden. Joint appointment with Law Schoolhouse and Raoul Wallenberg Constitute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Project: book titledThe Homo Rights Regulation of Human Genetic Engineering

2019 Visiting Researcher, 2019 Visiting Researcher, Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires, Université Paris 5 René Descartes, Paris, France

2019 Visiting Researcher, Danish Constitute for Human Rights, Copenhagen, Denmark

2018 Visiting Researcher, Center for Sami Studies, University of Tromsø, Norway

2018 Visiting Fellow, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Ethox Heart, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Academy of Oxford, U.k.

2016 Visiting Researcher, Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University, New

Haven, CT

2016 Visiting Researcher, The Hastings Centre, Garrison, NY

2016 Fulbright Professor, Johannes-Kepler-Universität, Linz, Austria


2019 Universidade Federal de Goiás [Federal University of Goiás], Programa de Pós- Graduação Interdisciplinar em Direito Humanos [Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Man Rights]. Goiânia, Brazil.

2019 Academy of Halle, Research Cluster "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung" [Lodge and Culture in Motion]. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg [Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg]. Halle, Deutschland.

2016 University of Hokkaido, School of Law. Sapporo, Japan.

2015 University of Glasgow, Human Rights Network. Scotland, U.k..



Serial of talks on my work in political bioethics. Middle for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. July and August 2022.

"The Correct to Privacy versus a Human Right to Health." Centre for Legal Theory and Middle for Asian Legal Studies, Kinesthesia of Constabulary, National University of Singapore. August 2022.

"Genetic-Editing Regulation Guided by Human Dignity as Decisional Autonomy." University of Granada, Carmen de la Victoria, Spain. May 2022.

"How Artificial Intelligence May Ane Day Threaten the Political Capacity of Human being Intelligence." Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Istanbul Medipol Academy, Turkey. May 2022.

"Regulating Genetic Engineering Guided by Human Nobility, Not Genetic Essentialism." Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Medizingeschichte, Universität Zürich, Switzerland. May 2022.

"Against Essentialism in Conceptions of Human Rights and Human Nature." Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. April 2022.

"Human Nature as Social Construct, Man Dignity as Decisional Autonomy: Moral and Legal Guidelines for the Genetic Editing of Our Species." Saints Cyril and Methodius Academy, Skopje, N Republic of macedonia. April 2022.

"Containing COVID-19: A Human Correct to Privacy versus a Human being Right to Health." Saints Cyril and Methodius Academy, Skopje, Due north Republic of macedonia. April 2022.

"How Artificial Intelligence May One Day Threaten the Political Chapters of Homo Intelligence." Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Information Systems Engineering, Vienna, Austria. March 2022.

"Against Essentialism in Conceptions of Homo Rights and Homo Nature." Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala University; Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University; and Stockholm Centre for Health Care Ethics, Sweden. March 2022.

"Genetic Engineering Where Astringent Cognitive Disability is Indicated: Toward Enabling the Time to come Person's Capacity for Participation in Political Community." Department of Philosophy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. March 2022.

"A Human Right to Freedom from Genetic Inability." Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, Department of Philosophy, Academy of Oxford, UK. March 2022.

"Genetic Engineering Where Astringent Cognitive Disability is Indicated: Toward Enabling the Hereafter Person's Chapters for Participation in Political Community." Ethox Center and Wellcome Middle for Ethics and Humanities, University of Oxford, Uk. February 2022.

"Genetic Engineering where Severe Cognitive Disability is Indicated: Toward Threshold Capacities for Political Participation in Liberal Democratic Communities." Department of Political Science, Lund University, Sweden. February 2022.

"Marx's Challenge to China Today: For a Costless Press and Democratic Political Participation, Against Ideological Distortions and Authoritarian Governance." School of Marxism, Xiamen University, Prc (virtual). Dec 2021.

"Human Nature equally Social Construct, Human Dignity as Decisional Autonomy: Moral and Legal Guidelines for the Genetic Editing of Our Species." Fulbright Distinguished Chair Inaugural Address, School of Law, Academy of Lund, Sweden. December 2021

"Political Bioethics." Wellness Law Inquiry Heart of the Faculty of Law, Academy of Lund, Sweden. September 2021.

"Human Rights equally a Politics of Imagination: Morality Beyond Tradition, Solidarity Without Nationalism, Justice Authored by Its Addressees," Globalizing Educational activity Faculty Learning Community, a collaboration between Hemispheres Consortium at UT Austin and International Programs at Austin Community College (virtual). Oct 2020.

Keynote Address. "How to Oppose Authoritarian Democracy in Brazil: A Guide for Citizens." Direitos Humanos em tempos neoliberais e antihumanistas [Human Rights in Neoliberal and Antihumanist Times]. Universidade Federal de Goiás [Federal University of Goiás]. Goiânia, Brazil. September 2019.

"Political Challenges of Regulating Human Genetic Engineering." Heart de recherches interdisciplinaires [Centre for Interdisciplinary Research]. Paris, France. July 2019.

"The Coming Political Challenges of Artificial Intelligence." Data Technology University of Copenhagen, Denmark. June 2019.

"Beyond Due Diligence: The Human Rights Corporation." Danish Institute for Homo Rights, Copenhagen, Denmark. June 2019.

"Political Bioethics: Deciding Difficult Bioethical Issues Under Conditions of Value Pluralism and Deep Disagreement." Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. [Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg]. Halle, Germany. May 2019.

"The Coming Political Challenges of Artificial Intelligence." Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg [Institute for History and Ideals of Medicine, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg]. Halle, Deutschland. May 2019.

"Deploying Epigenetics to Place Genetically Influenced Social Inequalities." Nuffield Department of Population Wellness, Ethox Heart, University of Oxford, Uk. December 2018.

"Political Bioethics." St. Cross Lecture in Ethics, Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford, UK. November 2018.

"Tin can Corporate Profit-Seeking Accordance with Human Rights-Promotion?" Adam Smith School of Business organisation, Academy of Glasgow, Scotland. September 2018.

"Human being Rights Advancement as Bottom-Up Politics that Deploys the Rule of Law, Democracy, Cosmopolitan Declarations and International Law." Bayerische Amerika-Akademie, Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus [Bavarian American Academy, Bavarian Eye for Transatlantic Relations]. Munich, Germany. July 2018.

"Therapie und Enhancement der Homo-Intelligenz: Was leisten dice Menschenrechte?" [Genetic Therapy and Genetic Enhancement of Homo Intelligence: What Regulatory Guidance Might Human Rights Provide?] Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen [Catholic University of Social Services]. Berlin, Germany. April 2018.

"Why the Departure Between 2 Forms of Engineered Intelligence Matters: AI and Genetically Manipulated Humans." School of Psychology, National University of Ireland, Galway. February 2018.

"Tin can Biological Scientific discipline Advance Social Justice?" School of Psychology, Psi Chi Honours Gild, National University of Ireland, Galway. Feb 2018.

"Social Theory at the Margins of the Social: Epigenetics, Artificial Intelligence, and the Anthropocene." Section of Sociology, Academy of Tennessee, Knoxville. October 2017.

"Social and Political Challenges of Homo Genetic Engineering." Department of Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. October 2017.

"Self-Authored Human Rights." IESB Centro Universitário [Higher Pedagogy Found of Brasília]. Brasília, Brazil. August 2017.

"A Homo Right Not to Democracy just to the Dominion of Police force." IESB Centro Universitário [Higher Teaching Institute of Brasília]. Brasília, Brazil. Baronial 2017.

"On The Human Rights State and Latin America." Universidade de Brasília [University of Brasília]. Brasília, Brazil. August 2017.

"The Role of Organized Civil Gild in Constructing a Human Rights State in Brazil." OAB-DF [Society of Attorneys of Brazil-Distrito Federal (Brazilian Bar Association, Federal District)]. Brasília, Brazil. August 2017.

"Genetically Informed Personalized Education: Promises and Perils for Social Justice." The Hastings Center, Garrison, NY. Baronial 2016.

"A Human being Rights Framework for Evaluating the Genetic Engineering of Intelligence." The Hastings Heart, Garrison, NY. July 2016.

"Human Rights equally Social Structure: In Dialogue with the Jesuit Tradition." Human Rights Found, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. June 2016.

"The Human Rights Challenges Posed by Human Genetic Engineering." Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Academy of Oslo, Norway. June 2016.

"Die menschliche Natur als Technologieprodukt: Träume und Albträume der Genmanipulation" [Human Nature as a Production of Technology: Promises and Perils of Human being Genetic Manipulation]. University of Linz, Republic of austria. June 2016.

"The Human Rights Challenges of Human Genetic Engineering." Erik Castrén Institute of International Police and Man Rights, Helsinki, Finland. May 2016.

"The Human Rights State: Political Community Across the Nation State." Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czechia, Prague. May 2016.

"Homo Genetic Engineering: Pressing Bug of Constabulary, Medicine, and Ideals." DeCode Genetics (biopharmaceutical company known for its discoveries in human genetics). Reykjavík, Iceland. April 2016.

"Genetically Informed Personalized Education: Promises and Perils for Social Justice." Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Lund Academy, Sweden. Apr 2016.

"The Human being Rights Claiming of Genetic Engineering science." Raul Wallenberg Establish, Lund Academy, Sweden. April 2016.

"The Relationship betwixt Human Rights and Commonwealth." Department of Political Scientific discipline, University of Missouri. Columbia. September 2015.

"Human being Rights as Constructs: Without Religion or Metaphysics." Centre for Contemporary Aristotelian Studies in Ethics and Politics, London Metropolitan University, UK. May 2015.

"Fundamental Questions for Political Community Posed past Genetic Manipulation." Academy of the West of Scotland, Paisely, UK. May 2015.

Keynote Address. "Challenges to Human Rights Theory and Practice." Glasgow Man Rights Network, University of Glasgow, Scotland. May 2015.

"Do Human Rights Require Republic and the Rule of Constabulary?" International Political Science Clan World Congress, Montréal, Québec, July 2014.

Keynote Address. "Advancing Human Rights by Bringing Them Downward to Earth." Student World Associates. Norwalk, CT. November 2014.

"The Pathology of the Surveillance Country: On Reading My Stasi File." British Studies Seminar, University of Texas at Austin. Oct 2013.

"Self-Granted Human Rights." University of Nebraska, Lincoln. January 2011.

"Aufgeklärte Eugenik oder Eugenik wider Gleichheit?" [Enlightened Eugenics or Eugenics Undermining Equality?] Société suisse de Sociologie [Swiss Sociological Clan]. Bern, Switzerland. September 2010.



"Roundtable on B. Gregg's,The Homo Rights Land." Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. Austin, TX. January 2019.

"Roundtable on B. Gregg'sThe Human Rights Land." Faculty of Constabulary, Lund University, Sweden. April 2016

"Writer-Meets-Critics Roundtable on B. Gregg'due south,Human Rights every bit Social Construction." Annual Coming together of the American Sociological Clan. San Francisco, CA. August 2014.


"Technologies Independent of Political Will: The Futurity Danger of Bogus Intelligence, Predictable Already in Marx's Tardily Theory." Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy (virtual). June 2022.

"The Human being Rights State every bit a Means to Global Justice across Nation States." Manchester Centre for Political Theory, University of Manchester, United kingdom (virtual). September 2021.

"Containing COVID-19: A Human Right to Privacy versus a Human Right to Health." European Consortium for Political Enquiry, General Conference. Colchester, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland (virtual). September 2021.

"Containing COVID-19: A Human Right to Privacy versus a Human Correct to Health." International Conference on the "Ethics of the Covid-19 Pandemic." Norwegian University of Scientific discipline and Technology, Trondheim, Kingdom of norway (virtual). June 2021.

"Against Self-Isolation equally a Human Correct of Ethnic Peoples." Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico. January 2020.

"Indigeneity every bit Social Construct and Political Tool." Almanac Coming together of the Southern Political Scientific discipline Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico. January 2020.

"Confronting Self-Isolation as a Human Right of Indigenous Peoples." Philosophy, Politics, Anthropology & Allied Disciplines Conference. University of Amsterdam, Holland. May 2019.

"Epigenetics every bit a Political Theory of Genetically Influenced Social Inequalities." 24th Earth Congress of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Beijing University, China. Baronial 2018.

"Epigenetics equally a Political Theory of Genetically Influenced Social Inequalities." International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Written report of Biological science, Institute of Biosciences, Academy of São Paulo, Brazil. July 2017.

"Genetic Engineering of Human Intelligence: Moral, Legal, and Political Issues." Humanities Research Accolade Symposium, University of Texas at Austin. March 2017.

"Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Biotechnik: Zur normativen Einschätzung der Humangenmanipulation" ["On the Use and Abuse of Biotechnology: The Normative Evaluation of Homo Genetic Manipulation"]. Fifth Annual International Hartheim Conference on "Genetische Optimierung: Gentechnik und Fortpflanzungsmedizin" [Genetic Perfection: Gene Engineering and Reproductive Medicine]. Alkoven, Austria. Nov 2016.

(Accustomed merely Declined.) "Genetic Justice: A Political Framework for Regulating Human Genetic Enhancement." European Consortium for Political Research General Conference. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. September 2016.

"Fetus Ex Machina: The Political Challenge of Genetic Engineering." Annual Meeting of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences. Academy of Wisconsin, Madison. Oct 2015.

"Social Inequalities in the Enhancement of Wellness through Genetic Manipulation." European Consortium for Political Research Full general Conference, Standing Grouping on Political Theory. Université de Montréal, Canada. August 2015.

"Genetic Diverseness Amidst Humans: A Human Rights Issue?" International Guild for the History, Philosophy, and Social Report of Biology. Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. July 2015.

"A Man Right Not to Republic but to the Rule of Law." Almanac Conference of the Clan for Social and Political Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 2015.

"The Torso as Human Rights Boundary." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco. August 2014.

"Human Rights and 'Humanitarian' Military Intervention." Critical Sociology Briefing. San Francisco. Baronial 2014.

"The Local Construction of a Homo Right to Democracy." XVIII International Sociological Association Earth Congress, Yokohama, Nippon. July 2014.

"What Cognitive Folklore Tin can Contribute to Man Rights Diffusion" Xviii International Sociological Association World Congress, Yokohama, Nihon. July 2014.

"Human being Rights Patriotism." Annual Meeting of the American Political Scientific discipline Association. Chicago. September 2013.

(Accepted but Declined.) "Translating Man Rights into Local Muslim Vernaculars." European Sociological Clan Annual Conference. Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia. August 2013.

"International Relations in a Community of Human Rights States." American Sociological Association, Conference on Re-Imagining Human Rights. New York, NY. August 2013.

"Developing Man Rights Delivery in Post-Communist Societies through Teaching." Russian Political Science Clan and International Political Science Association Research Committee. Leningrad, Russia. June 2013.

"The Human Rights Land: Nongeographic 'Borders' Embedded in the Citizen." Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago. April 2013.

"Human Rights Patriotism." Annual Coming together of the American Political Science Association. Chicago. September 2013.

"International Relations in a Customs of Human Rights States." American Sociological Clan. New York, NY. August 2013.

"The Human Rights State: Nongeographic 'Borders' Embedded in the Citizen." Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Clan. Chicago, IL. April 2013.

"Abstracting from Human Bodies and National Boundaries via Electronically Mediated Advice: The Internet as Homo Rights Resource." Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans. March 2012.

"Für die Bildung einer kritischen Internet-Öffentlichkeit gegen politische Alltagsentfremdung und–asymmetrie" [Against Alienation and Asymetry in Daily Life: Toward a Critical Public Sphere in the Cyberspace]. Dritter gemeinsamer Kongress für Soziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie [Third Joint Congress for Sociology of the German Sociological Association, the Austrian Sociological Association, and the Swiss Sociological Association]. Innsbruck, Austria. October 2011.

"Menschenrechtsnormen als Subjekte des Strukturwandels der Weltöffentlichkeit: Auf dem Wege zu einem Pluralismus" [Human Rights Norms in the Structural Transformation of the Global Public Sphere: The Path to Human being Rights Pluralism]. Dritter gemeinsamer Kongress für Soziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie und der Schweizerischen Geselleschaft für Soziologie [Third Joint Congress for Sociology of the German language Sociological Association, the Austrian Sociological Association, and the Swiss Sociological Clan]. Innsbruck, Austria. October 2011.

"The Genetic Self-Enhancement of the Homo Species: Human being Nature as Cultural Choice." Political Studies Association. London, UK. April 2011.

"Rendering Human Rights Cosmopolitan Absent Universally Valid Norms." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Clan. Washington, DC. September 2010.

"Community, Security and Universalism: Conflicting Priorities in Early Mod Thought on International Relations." With graduate student Peter Mohanty. Almanac Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Toronto, Canada. September 2009.

"Not simply Addressees: Individuals equally Authors of Homo Rights." Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Scientific discipline Association. Chicago. April 2009.

"Deploying Cognitive Folklore to Accelerate Human Rights." Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Clan. Chicago. April 2009.

"Human Rights: Political not Theological." Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago. April 2008.

"Coping with Cultural Relativism in the Application of Man Rights." Annual Meeting of the American Political Scientific discipline Association. Chicago. September 2007.

"Carl Schmitt and Constitutional Failure in Weimar Federal republic of germany." Almanac Meeting of the American Political Scientific discipline Association. Washington, DC. September 2005.

"Citizen Rights and Obligations Beyond State Borders: Lessons from the European Union." Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Clan. Austin, TX. April 2005.

"Responding to Globalization and Political Fragmentation by Softening Identities in Land and Club." Almanac Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Philadelphia. August 2003.

"Decoupling Political Culture from Majority Culture in the Normatively Thin State." Annual Coming together of the American Political Science Association. Philadelphia. August 2003.


My current enquiry calendar proceeds along two (at points, intersecting) tracks: (1) political bioethics (which addresses questions that tin can only exist answered in terms of the particular value-commitments of the deciders, where answers ideally would be generated through critical discussions not only among experts but amongst members of the general public) and (2) human rights equally social science (rather than theology or metaphysics).


Southward South 302C • Hon Soc Sci:methods/Theory

42250 • Fall 2022
Meets TTH 5:00PM-6:30PM RLP 1.102

GOV 355M • Political Bioethics

38668 • Spring 2021
Meets TTH 3:30PM-5:00PM WAG 101

Please bank check back for updates.

UGS 303 • Seeking Justice In Constitutn

62190-62205 • Leap 2021
Meets TTH 5:00PM-6:30PM WCH 1.120

The Signature Course (UGS 302 and 303) introduces get-go-year students to the university'due south academic community through the exploration of new interests. The Signature Form is your opportunity to engage in college-level thinking and learning.

S South 302C • Hon Soc Sci:methods/Theory

41015 • Fall 2020
Meets TTH 3:30PM-5:00PM PMA 7.114

UGS 303 • Seeking Justice In Constitutn

61740-61755 • Autumn 2020
Meets TTH five:00PM-6:30PM WCH 1.120

The Signature Course (UGS 302 and 303) introduces first-year students to the university's academic community through the exploration of new interests. The Signature Grade is your opportunity to engage in college-level thinking and learning.

GOV F335Q • Global Justice-Wb

80674 • Summer 2020
Cyberspace; Asynchronous

South S 302C • Hon Soc Sci:methods/Theory

41609 • Spring 2020
Meets TTH 3:30PM-5:00PM BEN ane.106

UGS 303 • Seeking Justice In Constitutn

60120-60135 • Spring 2020
Meets TTH five:00PM-vi:30PM
Due east Wr ID

We examine constitutional police, American political culture, and the sociology of rules by focusing on a problem central to our legal regime: the indeterminacy of some legal rules, constitutional rules in item. The term legal indeterminacy refers to the lack of determinate noesis: knowledge of what a legal rule ways and of how judges and others should utilise it. Where law is indeterminate, no theory, dominion, or principle constrains a judge to interpret or utilize a law in a particular manner. Consequently a case could accept several different answers, yet all of them equally valid. While few scholars or judges today view police force itself every bit something static, the notion that judges make rather than find constabulary implies, to many observers, consequences such as diff or capricious treatment of individuals. Where police is determinate, however, it may have an exclusively correct meaning and proper application, in short, one correct respond. If justice through police force is predicated on such qualities equally consistency and even objectivity, and then determinacy, in one grade or another, might seem to be a prerequisite for justice. And still, equally this course will demonstrate, much police force at the constitutional level is indeterminate. This form explores how the Supreme Court has coped with this miracle presenting both problems for justice and opportunities for justice over two centuries in five major areas: property, privacy, equal protection, expression, and faith.

GOV 314E • Classics Of Socl/Polit Thought

37504 • Fall 2019
Meets TTH three:30PM-five:00PM PAR 10
SB (likewise listed equally CTI 302)

UGS 303 • Seeking Justice In Constitutn

61885-61900 • Autumn 2019
Meets MW iv:00PM-5:30PM RLP 0.128
East Wr ID

The Signature Grade (UGS 302 and 303) introduces starting time-year students to the university's academic community through the exploration of new interests. The Signature Form is your opportunity to engage in college-level thinking and learning.

GOV S335M • Global Justice

81885 • Summer 2019
Meets MTWTHF 8:30AM-10:00AM MEZ B0.302
E Wr

GOV 314 • Classics Of Socl/Polit Thou

38190 • Spring 2019
Meets TTH 3:30PM-5:00PM MEZ 1.210
SB (also listed as CTI 302)

S S 302C • Hon Soc Sci:methods/Theory

42165 • Leap 2019
Meets MW four:00PM-five:30PM JGB 2.202

GOV F335M • Global Justice

82650 • Summer 2018
Meets MTWTHF 8:30AM-x:00AM MEZ ii.118

GOV 335M • Global Justice

38693 • Fall 2017
Meets TTH 5:00PM-6:30PM BEN 1.102

GOV 382K • Studies In Polit Thry & Philos

38888 • Fall 2017
Meets TH seven:00PM-10:00PM BAT ane.104

South S 301 • Honors Social Science

42752 • Fall 2017
Meets W 5:00PM-8:00PM JGB 2.202

GOV F335M • Global Justice

83022 • Summer 2017
Meets MTTHF xi:30AM-1:00PM CLA 0.102

GOV 335M • Political Philo Of Rousseau

38620 • Spring 2017
Meets TTH 3:30PM-5:00PM MEZ 1.210
Wr (also listed as CTI 335)

S S 301 • Hon Soc Sci: Soc Sci Theory

42845 • Spring 2017
Meets West 4:00PM-vii:00PM GDC ane.406

UGS 303 • Seeking Justice In Constitutn

63285-63300 • Spring 2017
Meets TTH 5:00PM-half-dozen:30PM CLA 0.112

GOV 335M • Hegel: Formatn Mod Eur Iden

38425 • Fall 2016
Meets MW 4:00PM-5:30PM GAR iii.116
(also listed as CTI 335, EUS 348)

UGS 303 • Seeking Justice/Constitution

63610-63625 • Autumn 2016
Meets TTH 5:00PM-six:30PM CLA 0.128

UGS 303 • Patriotism And Human being Rights

62590-62605 • Fall 2015
Meets TTH 5:00PM-6:30PM MEZ B0.306
Eastward Wr ID

The Signature Course (UGS 302 and 303) introduces outset-year students to the academy's academic customs through the exploration of new interests. The Signature Grade is your opportunity to engage in college-level thinking and learning.

GOV S335M • Global Justice

84140 • Summer 2015
Meets MTWTHF eight:30AM-10:00AM MEZ two.124
Due east

GOV 314 • Man Rights: Theories/Pracs

38785 • Fall 2014
Meets TTH ix:30AM-eleven:00AM PAR 203
Wr (as well listed as BDP 319)

S S 301 • Hon Soc Sci: Clas/Contemp Socl

43295 • Fall 2014
Meets TTH eleven:00AM-12:30PM PAR 103

GOV 335M • Hegel: Formatn Of Modernistic Eur Iden

39115 • Spring 2014
Meets TTH 9:30AM-eleven:00AM BEN 1.126
(also listed as CTI 335, EUS 348)

GOV 360N • Us-China Relations-Chn

39270 • Leap 2014

GOV 384N • Manipulation Of Human Genome

39470 • Spring 2014
Meets K 7:00PM-10:00PM TNH 3.115
(too listed as Constabulary 379M, PHL 387)

GOV 335M • Classics Socl Scientif Idea

39147 • Autumn 2013
Meets TTH 11:00AM-12:30PM PAR 103
E GC Wr (also listed as CTI 365)

S S 301 • Hon Soc Sci: Clas/Contemp Socl

43335 • Fall 2013
Meets TTH 9:30AM-xi:00AM PAR 206

GOV S335M • Global Justice

85185 • Summer 2013
Meets MTWTHF viii:30AM-10:00AM CLA 0.106

GOV 335M • Hegel: Formatn Of Modernistic Eur Iden

38795 • Spring 2013
Meets MW 4:00PM-5:30PM CLA 0.118
(also listed every bit CTI 335, EUS 348)

GOV 382K • Studies In Polit Thry & Philos

39055 • Spring 2013
Meets TH 7:00PM-ten:00PM MEZ ane.104

GOV 314 • Human Rights: Theories/Pracs

38660 • Fall 2012
Meets TTH nine:30AM-xi:00AM PAR 301
Wr (too listed as BDP 319)

Due south South 301 • Hon Soc Sci: Thry Of Bailiwick

42870 • Fall 2012
Meets TTH xi:00AM-12:30PM GEA 127

GOV S335M • Global Justice

85363 • Summer 2011
Meets MTWTHF 8:30AM-10:00AM CMA A5.136
Eastward GC Wr

This seminar offers an overview of some of the most important gimmicky theories on core issues of justice beyond national borders, including sovereignty, rights to self-decision, nationalism, cosmopolitanism, global poverty and international distributive justice, the social and legal status of women, terrorism, and human rights.

GOV 312P • Constitutnl Prins: Core Texts

38820 • Spring 2011
Meets MW 5:00PM-6:30PM PAR 1

Honors Section - Restricted to honor'due south students

GOV 335M • Empire And European Culture

38867 • Leap 2011
Meets MW 3:30PM-5:00PM WAG 308
GC Wr (also listed every bit CTI 335, EUS 348)

GOV 314 • Human Rights: Theories/Pracs

38502 • Fall 2010
Meets TTH nine:30AM-eleven:00AM FAC 4

Please check dorsum for updates.

S S 301 • Hon Soc Sci: Soc Sci Theory

42705 • Fall 2010
Meets TTH eleven:00AM-12:30PM PAR 303
Wr C1

GOV S335M • Global Justice-W

84875 • Summer 2010
Meets MTWTHF eight:30AM-10:00AM MEZ 2.124
E C2

GOV 382M • Early on Cosmopolitan Pol Thought

39375 • Fall 2009
Meets T vi:30PM-9:30PM MEZ ane.104

Seminar in Political Theory and Philosophy.

S S 301 • Hon Soc Sci: Soc Sci Theory-W

43645 • Fall 2009
Meets TTH 12:30PM-2:00PM CBA 4.344

GOV 312L • Iss & Policies In Amer Gov-Hon

38140 • Spring 2009
Meets TTH 12:30PM-2:00PM JES A218A

Government 312L satisfies the second half of the mandated six hours of government that every UT student must take.  Course covers assay of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes bones cognition of government from GOV 310L. May exist taken for credit just once.

GOV 335M • Global Justice-West

39420 • Fall 2008
Meets TTH 12:30PM-2:00PM MEZ i.102

GOV 382M • Empire And Early Modern Theory

39655 • Fall 2008
Meets T six:30PM-9:30PM MEZ 1.104

Seminar in Political Theory and Philosophy.

GOV 312L • Iss & Policies In Amer Gov-Hon

39160 • Jump 2008
Meets TTH 8:00AM-9:30AM MEZ B0.306

Government 312L satisfies the 2nd half of the mandated six hours of government that every UT student must have.  Course covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes basic cognition of government from GOV 310L. May be taken for credit only once.

GOV 382M • Global Justice

39510 • Bound 2008
Meets TH seven:00PM-10:00PM MEZ ane.104

Seminar in Political Theory and Philosophy.

GOV 335M • Contemporary Political Thry-W

39990 • Fall 2007
Meets TTH ix:30AM-xi:00AM CBA four.336

GOV S312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

86125 • Summer 2007
Meets MTWTHF xi:30AM-1:00PM WEL 2.122

Government 312L satisfies the 2nd half of the mandated six hours of authorities that every UT student must take.  Course covers assay of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes basic knowledge of government from GOV 310L, which is a prerequiste. May be taken for credit only once.

GOV 335M • Contemporary Political Thry-W

38752 • Spring 2007
Meets TTH ix:30AM-eleven:00AM PMA seven.114

GOV 335M • State Sovereignty/Homo Rts-West

38758 • Bound 2007
Meets TTH 12:30PM-two:00PM JES A218A

GOV 312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

39605 • Fall 2006
Meets TTH 8:00AM-nine:30AM MEZ 1.306

Government 312L satisfies the 2nd half of the mandated six hours of regime that every UT student must take.  Course covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes basic noesis of government from GOV 310L. May exist taken for credit only one time.

GOV 335M • Country Sovereignty/Man Rts-W

39700 • Fall 2006
Meets TTH xi:00AM-12:30PM BAT 5.102

GOV 379S • Social Theory In Polit Anly-W

38095 • Spring 2006
Meets T vii:00PM-10:00PM CBA 4.340

Delight check back for updates.

GOV 382M • State Sovereignty/Human Rights

38125 • Spring 2006
Meets TH vii:00PM-10:00PM BUR 214
(likewise listed equally PHL 387)

Seminar in Political Theory and Philosophy.

GOV 312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

37538 • Autumn 2005
Meets TTH 9:30AM-xi:00AM WCH 1.120

Government 312L satisfies the second half of the mandated six hours of regime that every UT student must take.  Class covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the Us Constitution, and assumes bones knowledge of authorities from GOV 310L. May be taken for credit but in one case.

GOV 312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

36190 • Bound 2005
Meets MW 4:30PM-half-dozen:00PM MEZ 1.306

Regime 312L satisfies the second one-half of the mandated six hours of authorities that every UT student must accept.  Grade covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes bones cognition of regime from GOV 310L. May be taken for credit just once.

GOV 312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

34935 • Spring 2004
Meets TTH 8:00AM-9:30AM GAR 1

Authorities 312L satisfies the second half of the mandated six hours of government that every UT student must accept.  Course covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes bones knowledge of government from GOV 310L. May be taken for credit but one time.

GOV 335M • Contemp European Socl Thry-Due west

35735 • Fall 2003
Meets Westward 7:00PM-10:00PM BUR 436A
C2 (besides listed equally PHL 365)

GOV 335M • Contemp Amer Social Theory-West

35740 • Fall 2003
Meets Th 7:00PM-10:00PM BUR 214
C2 (also listed as PHL 365)

GOV S312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

85510 • Summer 2003
Meets MTWTHF 8:30AM-10:00AM TAY 2.006

Regime 312L satisfies the second one-half of the mandated vi hours of government that every UT student must take.  Course covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes bones noesis of regime from GOV 310L, which is a prerequiste. May be taken for credit only once.

GOV 335M • Contemp European Socl Thry-W

34750 • Bound 2003
Meets W 7:00PM-10:00PM BUR 602
C2 (as well listed every bit PHL 365)

GOV 312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

35160 • Autumn 2002
Meets MW 6:00PM-7:30PM GEA 105

Government 312L satisfies the second half of the mandated six hours of government that every UT educatee must take.  Course covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the U.s. Constitution, and assumes bones knowledge of authorities from GOV 310L. May be taken for credit only in one case.

GOV 384N • Social Theories Of Law

35535 • Fall 2002
Meets T 7:00PM-x:00PM BUR 128

Seminar in Public Police force.

GOV F312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

85600 • Summertime 2002
Meets MTWTHF 10:00AM-11:30AM ART one.102

Government 312L satisfies the second half of the mandated 6 hours of government that every UT student must take.  Course covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the The states Constitution, and assumes bones cognition of authorities from GOV 310L, which is a prerequiste. May exist taken for credit just one time.

GOV 312L • Iss & Policies In Am Gov-Hon-W

34460 • Spring 2002
Meets MWF eleven:00AM-12:00PM GAR 3

Government 312L satisfies the second half of the mandated 6 hours of regime that every UT educatee must take.  Grade covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes bones knowledge of government from GOV 310L. May be taken for credit merely once.

GOV 335M • Contemp European Socl Thry-W

35790 • Fall 2001
Meets T vii:00PM-10:00PM GEA 127
C2 (also listed every bit PHL 365)

GOV 384N • Political Customs

35995 • Fall 2001
Meets W vii:00PM-10:00PM BUR 232
(also listed as PHL 387)

Seminar in Public Police force.

GOV F312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

84980 • Summer 2001
Meets MTWTHF eight:30AM-10:00AM WEL 2.304

Government 312L satisfies the second half of the mandated six hours of government that every UT educatee must take.  Class covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the Us Constitution, and assumes bones knowledge of government from GOV 310L, which is a prerequiste. May be taken for credit only once.

GOV 335M • Contemp Amer Social Theory-Westward

34670 • Bound 2001
Meets T 7:00PM-10:00PM BUR 214
C2 (also listed as PHL 365)

GOV 382M • Disquisitional Social Theory

34965 • Bound 2001
Meets West vii:00PM-10:00PM BUR 214
(also listed as PHL 387)

Seminar in Political Theory and Philosophy.

GOV F312L • Iss And Policies In Amer Gov

85093 • Summer 2000
Meets MTWTHF ten:00AM-eleven:30AM WEL 2.308

Government 312L satisfies the second one-half of the mandated vi hours of government that every UT pupil must take.  Course covers analysis of varying topics concerned with American political institutions and policies, including the United States Constitution, and assumes bones knowledge of government from GOV 310L, which is a prerequiste. May exist taken for credit just once.

GOV 382M • Critical Social Theory

34635 • Bound 2000
Meets W 7:00PM-10:00PM BUR 214
(also listed as PHL 387)

Seminar in Political Theory and Philosophy.

  • Undergraduate Programme
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